Palpable is a funny word. If you plug it into Google right now you’ll see it defined, in part at least, as “so intense as to be almost touched or felt.” It’s usually used to describe an otherwise intangible feeling, but in my attempt to put into words the flurry of activity that was B&R’s 2013 Guide Kick Off, it’s the first one that came to mind. The more I thought about it, the more I realized just how fitting it was; while B&R guides are a diverse group, gathering so many of them together in one place results in a kinetic energy that makes so many of their shared traits seem palpable.
The first thing I noticed about our assembled recruits, from the greenest new guides to the savviest veterans, was their enthusiasm. While new guides conveyed a slightly nervous energy, anxious with an excitement they could barely contain, returning veterans simply beamed as they reunited with old friends and welcomed new ones. (In both cases the process involved a smile, a kiss and a hug.)
Whether scouring Beaune in search of items for a scavenger hunt, racing to change bike tires during their mechanical training, heading out together for a morning ride or performing (extremely important) skits, the guides did everything with gusto.
The theme permeating the kick off was service, and while we only occasionally discussed it explicitly, it was everywhere on display. What became obvious through the guides’ many acts of kindness was how intimately service stems from generosity of spirit.
It’s the motivating root that compels a person to offer the perfect word of encouragement when you face a challenging uphill climb, fill a dining companion’s glass before their own and share a delicacy with their neighbour.
Gather together a team of generous hostesses and hosts, and marvel at how seamlessly things happen—never have so many needs been so immediately anticipated. Nary a glass went empty, a (delicious) meal unshared or a moment of silence unfilled with laughter and conversation.
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