Meet the Designers
The Best in the Business
Our Experience Designers are our Superpower. They’re Batman to our Robin, and while they might not leap tall buildings in a single bound (though we wouldn’t put it past them) their ability to craft the perfect journey is superhuman. They live their regions, hang with the locals, and know those hidden spots. And once they’ve concocted the perfect combination of hotels, routes, and sensational meals, they’ll find the small moments of magic. So, relax as your Experience Designer creates the perfect, just-for-you trip. And don’t be too weirded out when you realize they’re having just as much fun as you are.
Lucy Clark
Ernesto Fucci
Alvaro Diez Diaz
Orsolya Kako
Erin Reed
Mario Koch
Melanie Neu
Eugenie Weiss
Steve Wilson
Florian Marbach
Dana Quinn
Stephanie Gulledge
Jerome Bore
Rob Grieve
Federico Fiorillo
Georgia Yuill
Ninon Vlug
Courtney Mundy
Marya Valli
Andres Reyes Ottonello
Nathan Lane
Dane Tredway
Christine Tucker
João Carvalho
Edoardo Bausani
Tom Abraham
Christina Cain
Karen MacRae